소프트웨어에 대한 모든 것

2389. Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum 본문


2389. Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum

앤테바 2022. 12. 25. 13:03


2389. Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum


You are given an integer array nums of length n, and an integer array queries of length m.

Return an array answer of length m where answer[i] is the maximum size of a subsequence that you can take from nums such that the sum of its elements is less than or equal to queries[i].

A subsequence is an array that can be derived from another array by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements.


Example 1:

Input: nums = [4,5,2,1], queries = [3,10,21]
Output: [2,3,4]
Explanation: We answer the queries as follows:
- The subsequence [2,1] has a sum less than or equal to 3. It can be proven that 2 is the maximum size of such a subsequence, so answer[0] = 2.
- The subsequence [4,5,1] has a sum less than or equal to 10. It can be proven that 3 is the maximum size of such a subsequence, so answer[1] = 3.
- The subsequence [4,5,2,1] has a sum less than or equal to 21. It can be proven that 4 is the maximum size of such a subsequence, so answer[2] = 4.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [2,3,4,5], queries = [1]
Output: [0]
Explanation: The empty subsequence is the only subsequence that has a sum less than or equal to 1, so answer[0] = 0.



  • n == nums.length
  • m == queries.length
  • 1 <= n, m <= 1000
  • 1 <= nums[i], queries[i] <= 106


- 재귀로 풀었더니 TLE 발생

class Solution:
    def answerQueries(self, nums: List[int], queries: List[int]) -> List[int]:        
        nums_len = len(nums)
        def recur(idx, subsequence_sum, subsequence_len, target):
            if subsequence_sum > target:
                return subsequence_len - 1
            if idx >= nums_len:   
                return subsequence_len
            return max(recur(idx + 1, subsequence_sum + nums[idx], subsequence_len + 1, target), 
                       recur(idx + 1, subsequence_sum, subsequence_len, target))
        ret = []
        for target in queries:
            ret.append(recur(0, 0, 0, target))
        return ret



- nums를 정렬하고 accumulate() 사용해서 누적합 리스트를 생성

- 이진 탐색을 이용해서 문제 해결


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class Solution:
    def answerQueries(self, nums: List[int], queries: List[int]) -> List[int]:        
        # 오름차순 정렬
        nums = sorted(nums)        
        # 누적합
        nums = list(accumulate(nums))
        # 이진탐색. 실패 시 오른쪽 인덱스 반환
        return [bisect.bisect_right(nums, target) for target in queries]
